Monday, April 16, 2012

These are the formal learning outcomes I expected to glean from this course over the semester. I will either link an outcome to a post I feel meets that outcome, link to a series of posts in brackets, add a dash and explain how I felt the outcome was met (if there is not a post to describe it), leave a blank if I feel like I could have better met this outcome somehow, or do a combination of some of the above.

1. Gain “Shakespeare Literacy” : Demonstrate mastery over fundamental information about Shakespeare’s works, life, and legacy

2. Analyze Shakespeare Critically : Interpret Shakespeare’s works critically in their written form, in performance (stage or screen) and in digitally mediated transformations. This includes

  • Textual analysis (theme, language, formal devices) [Tempest, Othello]
  • Contextual analysis (historical, contemporary, cultural) [Merchant of Venice]
  • Application of literary theories [This is the one thing I feel I didn't really do at all.]
  • Analysis of digital mediations [Hamlet, ebooks]

3. Engage Shakespeare Creatively

4. Share Shakespeare Meaningfully (This includes engaging in the following:)

  • Formal Writing. Develop and communicate your ideas about Shakespeare clearly in formal and researched writing. [Conference Paper/ Proposal 1, Conference Proposal 2, Conference Proposal 3, Conference Proposal 4
  • Informal Writing. This mainly means through regular online writing [See my blog and all these links to my informal writing]
  • Connecting. Share one’s learning and creative work with others both in and outside of class. [tweethis, see also connect under outcome 5 for all the social proof - this was me sharing my work with others and their responses.]

5. Gain Digital Literacy: Students use their study of Shakespeare as a way of understanding and developing fluency in 21st century learning skills and computer-mediated modes of communication. Those skills are grouped under the following categories.

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